GOLDEN RULES OF UCMI(യുക്മി) Community Platform


GOLDEN RULES OF UCMI(യുക്മി)Community Platform 

The Policy :-

1.Respect the purpose and objective of each UCMI(യുക്മി)Community Platform. Make sure only *important messages after 10.00 Pm- 06.00Am  No one will miss the Important messages. That’s what direct messages are for. UCMI(യുക്മി)“Community Platform” shouldn’t be used to send messages or content of a personal nature, as well as this is a private Community Platform of friends and family shouldn’t be used for Business purposes or Personal benefits unless as it is verified with any Admin. Such as Paid or Advertised or published with 3rd Parties, but not been verified with UCMI(യുക്മി). See Disclaimer below

Disclaimer: We are not agents, not government website, not related to them , we are only help information, support community, all information provided are for awareness and welfare purpose only , we shall not be responsible for the same. 

The job , Advertise, Listing, description posted by UCMI may not include all responsibilities, or aspects of the described, and may be amended at any time by the employer or individual or UCMI.UCMI does not explicitly provide representations or assurances about the job or Advertise or Listing or its accuracy. UCMI is not responsible for above mentioned or anything else. 

All information is provided by third parties and UCMI are not in a position to offer any warranty or guarantee in relation to the content. Both Tenant and Landlord, buyer or seller should confirm all information in relation to the items.. Accommodation, vehicle, Goods, Services before committing to the sale or buy or contract..etc. 

Advertising means that you engage in a marketing strategy that involves paying for space to promote a product, service, or cause. It is not about selling things.

No exchange of money is allowed on this platform. Any false reports and other evidence made by you on this platform other than advertisements may be forwarded to the respective government agencies by demand.

UCMI disclaim all liability arising out of or in connection with any reliance placed on the above content. UCMI accept no responsibility for keeping the content and information accurate, up to date or complete.  The number and information keep changing over a period of time. For any copyright / wrong information, issues, please report immediately at admin.


 All Informative request, Help (please post direcly to group- unwanted will be delete without notice), is always  *FREE TO SERVE *T&S APPLY. 

3. *SEE Post free advertise Contents Below

1)**PERSONAL (MAY FREE-Such-as-:Limited, students (non-       job), No-personal-Benefits or Value less than EUINDIA & OTHER 
2) BUSINESS-ALL-Business-advertisements-are-Paid, 
    Please Contact for ADVERTISE PACKAGE 
Such-as-: Business Purposes | Personal Benefits | Prized Competitions | Other Digital Media Content (non-verified links) | OUTSIDE from UCMI COMMUNITY - UNVERIFIED ADVERTS - May Chargeable or  Permission Required from any Admin)
6) Only verified advertising policy: As our only Verified advertising policy you can only advertise with us through our website As the small amount will be charged for verification and advertise. Your news will be shared on our website and over 100+ groups.  Advertise with us means, you are agreed posting digital content in our website and post in group we cannot guarantee its future. If you didn't get any response or post reach(upto 2000) will post the same for 3 more times in three months. 
7) Please be Aware not all services are Free as we have paid services too.

8) As our only Verified  policy you can only post news or third party links or  business advert with us through our website. (Personal - Third party - business News, Advertise & Promotion through only our website)

9)  👇Members choose free or join get free. Maximum *FREE accommodation  Advertise limit 3 (*FREE Accommodation Advertise : Only 3 times free accommodation per year, Advertise from the first post)


10)  NON-Members, All Bussiness   choose  PAID ADVERTISE 

11) Paid Advertise

4.Don’t use Community Platform just to send memes, voice clips(use text), videos, pictures and news(false or misleading), without reading and reacting to the content, Please forward the information contents, contains any kind helpful information, please avoid repeated forwarding or same nature content from same person, always shared by others.
5.The purpose of Community Platform is to establish collective conversations with members, but when you only place content, but never read or interact, the existence of such Community Platforms loses their purpose. No one likes monologues.

6.Permission Required From Admin : Never send or Place contents(false,misleading..etc) or 3rd Party or Request money or other group links or information or “news” or 3rd Party contents or personal GDPR contented data that HASN’T been verified personally or with admin or without permission from admin is violation of our policy and the sender/person is the solely responsible for this content and is already paid with third party also maybe chargeable in this platform as its privately formed. Other group invitations or business advertisements (such as : business purposes or personal benefits.) permission required from any admin. Placing content whose authenticity has not been definitively proven can be VERY dangerous and harm many people and it’s better to put a stop to them than to be guilty of spreading themPosts or Personals that do not cooperate with us or do not follow the policy or Add or Remove are subject to admin power and can be removed without warning without prior permission. This applies to everyone as this is a private Foundation.

7.If you feel Uncomfortable in this UCMI(യുക്മി) Community Platform for any reason.. UCMI(യുക്മി),bears no legal liability or responsibility as this is a open social media platform.**(i) "Someone added you without your knowledge" you have right to exit immediately and block the contact for future **(ii) you can decide who can add you to groups **(iii)FOR YOUR SAFETY PLEASE READ TO SECURE YOUR WHATSAPP✔️👉,"secure-your settings" or **(iv)"feel free to leave" or **(v)“mute the notifications".**(vi)Other wise as our policy, You are personally decided to join this Community Platform & social media groups, which means you are willing to share your Name, Location, contact number in public that may be visible to all members in this Group,UCMI(യുക്മി)bears no legal liability or responsibility. If you have any privacy concerns immediately leave the group or do not join this group.
8.Before sending a complaint to UCMI(യുക്മി) Community Platform, identify the “administrator” and share your thoughts with him/her. Our Company Privacy Policy also applies to admins, so company  prefers  the general term Admin in Service Groups  instead of their private names  use the 
9.Don’t get angry if someone doesn’t respond to your messages in a group. No one is obliged to do so. Better send administrator him/her a direct message.

10.Before sending a video, picture, meme or any content, analyze if such material will be in the interest of the majority of the members of the UCMI(യുക്മി) Community Platform.

11.UCMI(യുക്മി) Community Platform is not associated with any political or religious. Political and religious posts should respect everyone's privacy. Please avoid placing such content, Avoid unnecessary debates as UCMI(യുക്മി) Community Platform can’t provide any special priority with political or religious aspects.

12.Avoid sending any content that is violent or pornographic. It’s common men and women to circulate inappropriate content, but it’s important to ALWAYS keep in mind that many people may feel uncomfortable, especially when the content affects someone’s reputation.

13.When replying to a specific comment from a person, Please find the administrator and to make sense of your comment and avoid confusion. Please wait to cope with administration. Do politely excuse yourself ,Avoid in future situations.

14.Keep in mind that your words can be interpreted in multiple ways, so use short sentences that can’t be misinterpreted.Don’t use, voice clips, abusive words or with abuse emojis. There are some like this 😂 or 😭 that don’t require explanation, but others like this 😬 or 🤤 can be interpreted in different ways and generate confusion.

15.Avoid sending videos or files that are very large, since nobody likes to saturate the memory of their smartphone or waste their data/internet plan on nonsense.

16.Complaint Procedure: Please lodge your complaint formal through email or resolve with administration OR use the CONTACT FORM :
Not resolved - Admin will lodge complaints  to the Director Board panel and Board will review your complaint and make a needful solution.

17.Termination procedure: 3 times of warning or immediate termination is allowed by administration as the nature policy violation or other personal complaint from the community. Policy may change or amend by any time with The board of directors Decision and also UCMI(യുക്മി) is a private foundation, all powers will be vested in the Foundation.

18.Make sure only important messages after 10.00 Pm- 06.00Am No one will miss the Important messages. Important means shouldn't be any kind of advertise, should be help or and emergency information could the community can support unless see below.

19.For Emergency purpose you need to contact emergency services by dialing 

Ireland 👇 Call  112 OR 999

India    👇 Call ☎ 100

This includes:
Fire brigade
Coast guard
and ask for an Ambulance

20.Community Platform Privacy Policy :
We wanted to let you know that this UCMI(യുക്മി) Community Platform uses technology, such as cookies, to provide you with the best user experience and to deliver you messages/information’s that are relevant to you. Typically, The storage of information, or access to information that is already stored, on your device such as advertising identifiers, device identifiers, cookies, and similar technologies. We may share certain information about our users with our advertising and analytics partners and other fellow members. Please avoid collecting or sharing with other 3rd parties from UCMI(യുക്മി) Community Platforms, groups or page, such phone numbers, pictures , documents, Internet and media copyrighted contents against our policies. 

21.Consent: By JOINING UCMI(യുക്മി) Community Platforms, you agreed, read, our Privacy Policy and our personal data processing and cookie practices as described there in and automatically(digitally signed consent). You also consent to the transfer of your data to our servers and other users in the Ireland or any other country, where data protection laws may be different from those in your country. All admins or editors rather than appoint by TUS, are volunteers and normal volunteers time period is 2 years, but can ended or extend time period, without further notice.
Policy may change or amend by any time with, different locations, The Techno United Solutions Limited, The  board of directors Decision Scova Notica Solutions Limited,India, as its your responsibility to check for policy updates.

UCMI(യുക്മി) is a private service community foundation globally created for different company services. Europe  section sharing advertise only managed by Techno United Solutions Limited,Ireland. All news in UCMI(യുക്മി) and other managed UCMI(യുക്മി) by Scova Notica Solutions Limited,India and all powers will be vested in foundation.
All related legal procedures are related to the company in India. The name may be associated with Ireland for marketing but it is related to the Indian company. is separate website for global and is managed and legal entities to Scova Notica Solutions Limited,India,and may contain global information.

Disclaimer: We are not agents, not government website, not related to them , we are only help information, support community, all information provided are for awareness and welfare purpose only , we shall not be responsible for the same. 

The job , Advertise, Listing, description posted by UCMI may not include all responsibilities, or aspects of the described, and may be amended at any time by the employer or individual or UCMI.UCMI does not explicitly provide representations or assurances about the job or Advertise or Listing or its accuracy. UCMI is not responsible for above mentioned or anything else. 

All information is provided by third parties and UCMI are not in a position to offer any warranty or guarantee in relation to the content. Both Tenant and Landlord, buyer or seller should confirm all information in relation to the items.. Accommodation, vehicle, Goods, Services before committing to the sale or buy or contract..etc. 

Advertising means that you engage in a marketing strategy that involves paying for space to promote a product, service, or cause. It is not about selling things.

UCMI disclaim all liability arising out of or in connection with any reliance placed on the above content. UCMI accept no responsibility for keeping the content and information accurate, up to date or complete.  The number and information keep changing over a period of time. For any copyright / wrong information, issues, please report immediately at admin.





Thanks to all
UCMI(യുക് മി)Powered by Scova Notica Solutions Limited,India
Unity of Common Malayalee Ireland(UCMI)is a subsidiary group of UCMI(യുക്മി)-Unity Of Common Man International

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യുക്മി(UCMI)👥 is 100000 + Members Community, For HELP -INFO-SUPPORT-NEWS-UCMI COMMUNITY|IRELAND MALAYALI| IRELAND INDIANS| All Quires Chat directly to the Community,


